Research: Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Clash Magazine: This contents page is spread across a double page of the magazine, telling the reader that there is a lot of information found inside and that they could be getting good value for their money paid for the magazine. the headings of each page are in bold, making them stand out and giving a summary of what they are bout. A plug for free music downloads is used withn a page number to encourage reader to read ther magazine. The layout is clear and easy to read. Images with page numbers allow the reader to go straight to the page article on the artist that they want to read about.

Blender Magazine: This contents page is simple, containing just one image centred on the page with a lot of white space background to elude sophistication and glamour in the magazine. The magazine features are ordered in a simple list at the right of the page, giving readers a guidance of where to find specific features of the magazine. The word contents is spread across the page width at the top in large black bold text to state the page and it’s purpose in the magazine.

Top of the Pops Magazine: This magazine contents page instantly shows it is aimed and young girls to read. The bright colour theme shows signs of youngness, particularly in the pink skyline at the top of the page. The indictaion of where cover stories are at the top of thi page (shown on a labelled image of the cover) helps the reader to find particular stories quickly and easily. This is also used on the imgages featured in the contents page that have the page number on them clearly so readers can skip straight to the parts they want to read.

Kerrang Magazine: This contents page displays an extremely full page, filled with images and a lot of text. A letter from the editor is featured on the page, bringing the reader closer to the writer’s thoughts and production of the magazine. Headlines are highlighted in yellow text which stand out clearly from the black text on white background theme of the page. A plug is used on the page to sell the magazine subscription to the reader, encouraging them to spend more money on the magazine. The images used give an indication to the reader of what artists they will find inside and where.

MOJO Magazine: Along witht the white background space, the black and white theme of this contents page show a high state of sophistication, the arrangement of the contents page is clean and polished with nohting that clutters the page. The red headings and numbers stand out as the only colour on the page, this makes the key stories and pages stand out, simplifying finding particular stories for the reader. The text is arranged neatly around the large image on the page. The names of music acts are showcased in bold lettering, making them stand out and displaying to the reader what different musicians they will find inside the issue.

Q Magazine: Q magazines contents pages is very traditional in the colour scheme, coordinating with the magazine masthead. The colour scheme is red, white and black. The left hand side of the page features a list of arcticle that will be insisde the magazine issue, this gives readers a clear and easy way to find certain stories that they want to read. The page shows images of music artists that feature in this issue, this keeps interest from reader on the contents page instead of having too much text cuasing it to be mundane.

NME Magazine: The use of the ‘NME’ logo in big bold red text gives it a center piece in the page. This remind the of the company leading the magazine and the resource to research the company on the internet. The use of sub-headings puts each piece of content into easier and clearer categories, making the magazine make sense and clearer.The pronounced use of ‘subscribe today’ is a way of persuading and easily showing people how you can get the magazine on a regular occasion. The sub-headings are clear and precise and show you very easily where you can access that content in the magazine. The band index gives the reader and precise showing of what bands will be in the magazine. This may give the readers more purpose to buy the magazine as maybe there could be a feature on their favourite band.

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