Magazine Image Analysis

I particularly like the cover photo for this magazine as it takes up a lot of the page and is brightly lighted, making the image stand out against the background and colour scheme. I like the way the cover star is wearing a different colour outfit to the colour scheme, making her stand out and add more colour to the cover. the image is clearly posed with the model staring intently directly at the camera.

This cover image is appealing as it is a very clear close up shot with a clear colour scheme shown in the artist’s outfit and the background and text. The colour scheme within the image makes the magazine look professional. The high contrast in the image makes it bold and gives the image good definition. The posed image grabs the reader’s attention.

This cover image grabs my attention as it covers the whole page using a close up photo. The bright colours stand out, with the pale white skin coordinating with the text while the blue eye make uo matches the features at the side of the magazine. Use of bright lighting in the photo creates a contrast, especially between the pale skin and the bright red hair.

I like the fact that this contents has used just three images, but still fills a large quantity of the page. The main story image being the largest draws the reader’s attention to the main article while the smaller images identify the featuring artists inside the magazine.

I think the simplicity of the image use in this contents page is good as it does not take too much attention away from what’s inside but still shows the reader who features inside the magazine. Just two images are used and are placed in the corners of the page. It leaves white space, making the page look up market and proffessional. The images used are candid, showing the models in what they do and their natural surroundings.

This DPS features a large image that takes over one entire page of the spread. The image is in high contrast, created with the dark, bold colours. the image also fits in with the colour scheme of the page spread, putting the image star in an all black outfit to tie in with the text, while the star’s bright red hair stands out and matches the stripes on the prop she is sitting on. The pose of the model exudes confidence, giving the reader an idea of what the artists iis like and what kind of article or interview it will be.

Several images are used on this DPS, the main one taking up half of the page space. The images are all candid, creating a natural theme and showing the artists and musicians in their work. the images also relate to the article title as the images create a sense of wildness.

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